微分方程Initial Value Problems
Problem formulation:
Numerical Differentiation Based Methods
- Grids
- Evaluate the differential equation at the grid points
- Replace the derivative by a difference quotient
where is the truncation error. The equation becomes - Drop the truncation error term
And the initial condition gives - Error analysis of
. The method is first order accurate.

Use the model problem
- A-stable:
, is bounded? - L-stable: For all
, , is bounded? - Zero-stable: Let
, , is bounded?
Numerical Integration Based Methods

- Grids
- Integrate the differential equation over the interval
That is - Replace the integral by a quadrature formula
- Drop the error term
Other notes:
- The idea of Runge-Kutta methods is to replace future
values in implicit methods by values predicted by an explicit method. - Extension and ghost points are used to handle boundary conditions, by adding extra points to the grid.
- Conservative methods are used to preserve the total energy of the system.
Two-Point Boundary Value Problems
Problem formulation:
Using the five-step finite difference method, we will eventually get a system of linear equations to solve. Constant boundary conditions will give a tridiagonal system:
The tridiagonal matrix can be solved in
- Theorem 1:
is invertible when either is strictly diagonally dominant, or is duagonally dominant, and , .
- Theroem 2: If
are continuous on , then the solution of the BVP exists and is unique when the step size satisfies - Theorem 3 (Error Analysis): When the conditions of Theorem 2 are satisfied, the error of the finite difference method is
where is a constant ( , ), is the truncation error, and are the boundary errors.
Diffusion Problems
Problem formulation: The inhomogeneous heat equation
with initial condition
5-step explicit finite difference method will result in a matrix form of
and deduce

- A-Stability: The method is A-stable if
for all . - L-Stability: The method is L-stable if
as .
Advection Problems
Problem formulation: The advection equation
with initial condition
CFL condition: The numerical domain of dependence must contain the physical domain of dependence.
Numerical Wave Propagation
Problem formulation: The wave equation
with zero boundary conditions
Solution properties: Substitute the plane wave solution
into the wave equation, and extract the coefficients of
and the group velocity,
- Dispersive:
depends on . - Dissipative:
Elliptic Problems
Problem formulation: The Laplace equation
with given boundary conditions.
Key points:
- Banded matrices can be used to solve the Laplace equation.
- Positive definite matrices (Geršgorin circle theorem)
- Iterative methods