Differential Equations - Gray Scott Equations

微分方程 Introduction to Gray Scott Equations The Gray-Scott equations are a set of partial differential equations used to model reaction-diffusion systems, particularly in chemistry and biology. They ...

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微分方程数值解作业 6

微分方程 Problem 1 Question (a) The equation to solve is Use a rectangular grid and the central difference scheme for first and second order derivatives where is the truncation error. Dropping th...

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微分方程数值解作业 5

微分方程 Problem 1 Question Dispersion Relation Phase Velocity Group Velocity Dispersive Dissipative (a) Yes No (b) Yes Yes (c) Yes No Question (a) With the plane wave ...

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微分方程数值解作业 4

微分方程 Problem 1 Numerical domain of dependence for each method The CFL condition require that the numerical domain of dependence should contain the physical domain of dependence, which is . ...

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微分方程数值解作业 3

微分方程 Problem 1 Question (a) Assume (3.30) and substitute it into (3.51) With setting , we have Collecting terms with and on each side, we have Use the identity , we have Then use , we can g...

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微分方程数值解作业 2

微分方程 Problem 1 To solve (2.4) We can always obtain the equation at non-boundary positions, The above FDE approximation has an error of Question (a) The first condition and in Eqn. becomes F...

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微分方程数值解作业 1

微分方程 Problem 1 20240310164541 The interpolating linear function: Substitute into (1.56) Solve the 2nd order FDE Assume There is always one solution , therefore the method is not A-stable. Th...

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